Counter-Formed Through Scripture

Counter-Formed Through Scripture

Spiritual practices are like working the muscles of our spiritual life to build them up like lifting weights builds the muscles. Spiritual disciplines place us in intentional connection and communion with God. The practice of reading Scripture is an intentional engagement with the written word of God with a posture to be shaped and formed by it as the Holy Spirit teaches us through it and brings its reality to bear on our lives.




The call of our lives is to be formed into the image of Christ. Spiritual formation is always happening to everyone. Whether or not we if we are being formed is not the question, the question is who we are being formed by.


The Greatness Of Jesus

The Greatness Of Jesus

We need a vision of Jesus worth following. A vision of Jesus worth living for. A vision of Jesus and his kingdom culture that forms our lives more powerfully than the formation of the world, our flesh or the Devil. We need a vision of Jesus and his kingdom that is not only worthy living for, but one worth dying to self for and giving our life to.


Heaven #1

Heaven Part 1

Our world is immersed in a crisis of hope, anxiety and fear. We’re at a standstill of inactivity. We’ve lost vision and purpose and we’re being crushed under the weight of our own desire to self-determine our lives, our identity and our future. But what if there was a way to recover our hope, passion, vision and calling? What if there was a way to regain the upper hand? There is, and it isn’t in the place you might think, it’s in recapturing what the bible really teaches about heaven, hell and our eternity life. Are you ready for new hope today?


Stewarding The Season

Stewarding The Season

We might be aware that there are seasons in life, but are we aware of what season we’re in or how to steward the season so that we’re prepared to move on to the next season? Identifying what season you’re in and knowing what your assignments are for that season are essential to our ability to fulfill the purpose and vision God has for our life.
