So often, spiritual gifts are abused because they are being used from an unhealthy source, the false self. In order to walk in the authority and power of Jesus we need to establish our true identity and learn to recognize our false identity that is at work to sabotage the purposes and plans of God for our lives.
So often, spiritual gifts are abused because they are being used from an unhealthy source, the false self. In order to walk in the authority and power of Jesus we need to establish our true identity and learn to recognize our false identity that is at work to sabotage the purposes and plans of God for our lives.
1 Corinthians 13 is not a chapter for wedding ceremonies, it is a foundational understanding of the nature of God. It is a description of who God is and what his baseline demeanour is toward us. Love is the essential foundation for how to engage in the spiritual gifts of the Spirit properly. Without it, we’re just a noisy gong.
1 Corinthians 13 is not a chapter for wedding ceremonies, it is a foundational understanding of the nature of God. It is a description of who God is and what his baseline demeanour is toward us. Love is the essential foundation for how to engage in the spiritual gifts of the Spirit properly. Without it, we’re just a noisy gong.
FOUNDATIONS: PT 2 — The Holy Spirit Brings The Kingdom In Us
FOUNDATIONS: PT 2 — The Holy Spirit Brings The Kingdom In Us (Brenda Drost)
The Holy Spirit is not only given to us to live in us as a deposit guaranteeing our salvation, He also wants to bring the kingdom of God in us, in the places within our heart and soul, our thoughts and emotions and behaviours that are resistant to the will and desire of God. In Heaven, God’s will is always done but in order for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven we need to be willing to yield the places of our will to his will. There are places in all of us where the kingdom is absent because it is being blocked by our will which exercises its own control and power. One of the foundational works of the Holy Spirit is to bring the kingdom in these areas of our inner life.
The Holy Spirit is not only given to us to live in us as a deposit guaranteeing our salvation, He also wants to bring the kingdom of God in us, in the places within our heart and soul, our thoughts and emotions and behaviours that are resistant to the will and desire of God. In Heaven, God’s will is always done but in order for His kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven we need to be willing to yield the places of our will to his will. There are places in all of us where the kingdom is absent because it is being blocked by our will which exercises its own control and power. One of the foundational works of the Holy Spirit is to bring the kingdom in these areas of our inner life.