Captivated By The Nearness Of The Kingdom
Captivated By The Nearness Of The Kingdom
Jesus said that the Kingdom of the Heavens was near, it was at hand. When Jesus healed, set free, ministered to the broken or sinful or preached, the Kingdom was at hand. For most of us, the struggle is in being aware of, and engaged with that Kingdom in our everyday lives. When we get a glimpse of the work of Jesus through the Holy Spirit it becomes a captivating force in our lives.
Captivated: Joining Jesus As He Ministers In Prisons
Captivated: Joining Jesus As He Ministers In Prisons
Being captivated by Jesus isn’t just about having the right doctrine or theology, it is about seeing him minister to his favourite people in his favourite places. In John 17 Jesus said that he wanted his disciples to be with him where he is. But where is Jesus? What kinds of people does Jesus love to be with? What kinds of places does Jesus love to be in? In this episode, on of our friends shares about how he has been captivated by Jesus as he sees Jesus minister to men and women in the prison system.
Captivated Pt5: Eyes Like Fire and Feet Like Burnished Bronze
Captivated: Eyes Like Fire and Feet Like Burnished Bronze
There is a connection in scripture between where your eyes are looking and what your feet are standing on. It is not a matter of whether you are captivated, the question is what are you captivated by. Fear has the power to overpower and blind us, captivating us with its power, but there is someone great who is inviting us to put our eyes on him.
Captivated Pt4: Captivating the Next Generation
Captivating The Next Generation
We believe the call of God on our lives is to cultivate a culture of revival and renewal for the sake of the next generation. Our kids and students need to see and experience parents and church families that are living in renewal and awakening so that they can be men and women of awakening in the coming years.
Captivated Stories: Matt and Laila Srigley
Captivated Stories: Matt and Laila Srigley
Matt and Laila have been a part of Mountain Park for a few years but about a year ago God began to speak to them about an area of their lives he was calling them to trust him with and surrender to him. As they began to learn to trust with this area of their lives things began to radically change in many areas of life for Matt and Laila. This is an encouraging story of God’s captivating generosity and trustworthiness.
Captivated PT3: Captivated By The Father Heart Of God
Captivated PT3: Captivated By The Father Heart Of God
One of the most captivating things about Jesus is how he talked to, and talked about God. In a time period where the name of God was so holy and set apart that no one would even say it out loud, Jesus called God Father, Abba. He came to reconnect us with the heart of the Father and make the unapproachable, high and holy God, not less holy, but a holy God who is near and approachable. A high and holy God who is Father.
Captivated PT2: Captivated By The Heart Of Jesus
Captivated PT2: Captivated By The Heart Of Jesus
Scripture tells us the Jesus is the exact representation of the heart and character of God. Jesus is what God is like as a human, and Jesus is a man of deep visceral emotion. His heart is huge and it feels with a depth of feeling that we struggle to imagine. When we read the gospel accounts of Jesus life we might expect that his primary disposition toward the world is anger over sin or frustration with our failings, but that is not the dominant response of Jesus, compassion and mercy is.
Captivated PT 1: Captivated By The Humility Of Jesus
Captivated PT 1: Captivated By The Humility Of Jesus
As humans, we are creatures drawn to beauty. What we find beautiful we give attention to. What we give attention to we become captivated by. Those things that captivate us become the things we love and the things that direct our lives. In Part 1 of our Captivated series Andrew talks about the humility of Jesus and how it has captivated his own heart.
Prologue PT 11: God’s Vision For Community
Prologue-PT 11: God’s Vision For Community
In light of Genesis 2, what might God’s heart be for community? What does a Kingdom of God community look like?
Prologue: Spiritual Practices: Guided Prayer For Forgiveness
Spiritual Practices: Guided Prayer For Forgiveness (working through relational strain)
We want to go beyond information into revelation and experience. Information does not bring about transformation, but encountering God through scripture, spiritual practices and prayer do bring transformation. In this guided prayer we want to practice a way to work through difficult relationships, hurtful experiences and painful encounters with others.