When the bible talks about being led by the Holy Spirit, what does it mean? How can we know if it is the Holy Spirit leading us? Taking a look at the Old Testament, we can see some ways that they Holy Spirit led the Israelites and find clues for how He still leads us today.

We're Just Branches

We're Just Branches

Do you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, digging a deeper ditch of exhaustion, frustration and futility? Do you feel like you’re being crushed under the weight of expectations unrealized dreams? Jesus said that it was his job to be the vine and ours to be the branches. That we are to abide and rest in him and allow him to give us strength, fruit and growth.


What Is Behind You?

What Is Behind You?

Have you ever taken a moment to look back at what is following you? In Psalm 23 David said “surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” When you look behind you, is that what you see, or does it look like chaos, broken relationships, hurt, bondage to habits of sin you can’t seem to break? When we examine the life of Jesus we see that he walked in powerful peace (even in the midst of conflict) and brought healing, hope and freedom. That he was not only able to calm the storm, but walk on the water over the storm.
