Weathering The Storm

Weathering The Storm.
How to stay anchored and hopeful when the wind roars and the waves surge.

Ephesians #4 Grace and Peace

Ephesians #4

Part 4 in our study of the book of Ephesians.


Healing In The Hold Out

Healing In The Hold Out

Wherever Jesus is there is life, peace, freedom and healing if we would like to accept them. The invitation is there, the question is whether which hold out we will choose. Are we are going to hold out in fear and let it pass by, or hold out our weakness so that he can heal and restore.


Pressure Points

Pressure Points

We all feel it. Pressure. We feel the pressure of our hopes for the future, the expectations of others on us, the pressure to make all the right decisions at the right time, the pressure of family, the weight of disappointment and the pressure to do the right thing in every situation. Jesus faced this same pressure, but he handled it different than we do. He was able to walk with a peace that didn’t let the outside pressure of life rattle him. The question is how?


The Paradox Of Peace

The Paradox Of Peace

What does it mean when Jesus said “I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword.”? We think of peace as a feeling, or the absence of turmoil, or the ability to be calm in the most turbulent waters of life. That’s part of it. If Jesus really is the Prince Of Peace, maybe the sword He brings is to cut out and destroy the things in us the bring fear, anxiety and death. Maybe it’s as we allow Him to bring a spiritual “sword” to our life that we actually carry more of His presence, which is peace, in our lives.
