We're Just Branches

We're Just Branches

Do you feel like you’re just spinning your wheels, digging a deeper ditch of exhaustion, frustration and futility? Do you feel like you’re being crushed under the weight of expectations unrealized dreams? Jesus said that it was his job to be the vine and ours to be the branches. That we are to abide and rest in him and allow him to give us strength, fruit and growth.


What Is Behind You?

What Is Behind You?

Have you ever taken a moment to look back at what is following you? In Psalm 23 David said “surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life.” When you look behind you, is that what you see, or does it look like chaos, broken relationships, hurt, bondage to habits of sin you can’t seem to break? When we examine the life of Jesus we see that he walked in powerful peace (even in the midst of conflict) and brought healing, hope and freedom. That he was not only able to calm the storm, but walk on the water over the storm.


Pressure Points

Pressure Points

We all feel it. Pressure. We feel the pressure of our hopes for the future, the expectations of others on us, the pressure to make all the right decisions at the right time, the pressure of family, the weight of disappointment and the pressure to do the right thing in every situation. Jesus faced this same pressure, but he handled it different than we do. He was able to walk with a peace that didn’t let the outside pressure of life rattle him. The question is how?


Why We Baptize

Why We Baptize

Have you every wondered what baptism really is and why we do it? Pastor Brenda walks through the significance of baptism and why it is an essential practice of our faith.


You Got What You Paid

You Got What You Paid

The death and resurrection of Jesus touched two dimensions, the spiritual and the physical. Have you ever wondered why Jesus left the scars on His body after His resurrection?


The Paradox Of Peace

The Paradox Of Peace

What does it mean when Jesus said “I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword.”? We think of peace as a feeling, or the absence of turmoil, or the ability to be calm in the most turbulent waters of life. That’s part of it. If Jesus really is the Prince Of Peace, maybe the sword He brings is to cut out and destroy the things in us the bring fear, anxiety and death. Maybe it’s as we allow Him to bring a spiritual “sword” to our life that we actually carry more of His presence, which is peace, in our lives.


The Lion And The Lamb

The Lion And The Lamb

Jesus is described in many different ways throughout the Bible, and two of them in Revelation 5 are as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the Lamb that was slain. But what does it really mean, and who cares? These two names of Jesus point to two different sides of Jesus’ character that can literally change your life, your relationships and your future.


We're Not Fighting Alone

We're Not Fighting Alone

Often we think that our spiritual authority is tied to what we’ve done, how we’re doing more of the right things and less of the wrong things. That isn’t true. Our spiritual authority comes from the truth that we are adopted as sons and daughters of the Father. He is the basis of our authority because He purchased our freedom through the death and resurrection of Jesus. All we need to do, is walk in it.


New Not Next

New Not Next

God wants us to remember what He did, but forget how He did it. He wants to do a new thing in your life, not the next thing, but here’s the catch. New things are always different than old things and new things are next things.


The Power Of Praise

The Power Of Praise

One of the reasons that we spend so much time living a defeated life is that we fail to understand or practice the power of praise. Time after time in the bible God demonstrated that when we praise Him for who He is and what He’s done, when we declare our gratitude and proclaim His faithfulness, He works in the spiritual realm to bring victory, freedom and revelation. Worship has the power to change the atmosphere in your life, your work, your family and your city.
