Revival Nights #3 - Fall 2019

Revival Nights #3 - Fall 2019

Night 3 of Revival Nights fall 2019


The Power Of Communion

The Power Of Communion

What does it mean to take communion? What is the significance of communion? Is there a power connected to communion that we are missing today? Is communion meant for healing? Over the years, the teaching on communion, and the way that we have practiced it in most churches has strayed from the original intent of Jesus with it. We have turned it into a ritual that is void of the power and significance it is meant to have in our lives.


The Power Of Praise

The Power Of Praise

One of the reasons that we spend so much time living a defeated life is that we fail to understand or practice the power of praise. Time after time in the bible God demonstrated that when we praise Him for who He is and what He’s done, when we declare our gratitude and proclaim His faithfulness, He works in the spiritual realm to bring victory, freedom and revelation. Worship has the power to change the atmosphere in your life, your work, your family and your city.


Flip The Switch

Flip The Switch

So many Christians are living an anemic faith, the atmosphere around them lacks passion, power and influence. The good news is that God has created a powerful tool to increase our faith and power, it’s called fasting. When we fast we flip the switch and turn the tables on the enemy.


The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

Did you know that getting the kind of life you want is strongly tied to how you use your tongue? The Bible says in the book of Proverbs that the tongue has the power of life and death. What we say and how we talk to others has a dramatic impact on the kind of life we have. Are you intentional about living at peace with others, how about speaking peace over your life and others lives instead of anger, frustration or lies?



Thy Kingdom Come In Us

Thy Kingdom Come In Us

Thy Kingdom Come In Us: What does it mean for God’s kingdom to be released in our lives every day? What would like be like if we really understood the reality that the power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us?

