Our Staff Team

Andrew Plett

Lead Pastor
Email: andrew@mp.church

Brenda Drost

Associate Pastor
Email: brenda@mp.church

Alex Smethurst

Family Ministries Pastor
Email: alex@mp.church

Pam Sykes

Kids Pastor
Email: pam@mp.church

Jessica Smethurst

Worship Pastor
Email: jess@mp.church

Our Leadership Circle

Our Leadership Circle is one sphere of the overall structure of Mountain Park. It is made up of pastoral staff and annually affirmed members of Mountain Park. The core mandate of the Leadership Circle is to be a prayer-driven discernment body that guards and directs the life of Mountain Park. Our Leadership Circle functions within several spheres of responsibility and accountability that make up our church family. (Leadership Circle, Membership Circle, Elders, Volunteer Circle, Attenders)


Alex Smethurst
Jessica Smethurst
Pam Sykes
Brenda Drost
Mark Vanderheide
Sylvia Kirkey
Janet Derksen
Tracey Yaromich
Drew Vanegmond
Cliff McAuley
Andrew Plett
Rochelle Plett

Our Finance Team

Our Finance team serves collaboratively under the direction of our Leadership Circle. It is a team of experts and advisors who are invited into the discernment of how to best steward the financial resources at Mountain Park Church.

Mark Drost
Brent Penner
Jessica Smethurst
Tim Scott
Pat Goertzen