The Radical Reversal

The Radical Reversal

A powerful sermon on the first Beatitude from Matthew 5; ““God blesses those who are poor and realize their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.”


The Good News Of The Kingdom

The Good News Of The Kingdom

The message about Jesus’ kingdom-bringing life, death, and resurrection as the fulfillment of God’s ancient promises of redemption.


Be The Church

Be The Church

What does it really look like to be THE Church? The kind of Church that God has called us to. Listen to this powerful sermon to find out!


In The Presence, Together

In The Presence, Together

Praise, worship, and the presence of God in the corporate body of the Church. Listen to this powerful message of Part 3 of Comeback 2.0.


In The Presence Of God

In The Presence Of God

When we are faced with difficult times, what we need is a greater revelation of Jesus. Do we keep coming back to this? Do we keep asking for this? Lean in and receive from Him. It’s waiting there for you in his presence
