
“Beholding beauty produces fascination, and fascination is the best way to transform a person.“

Author: Samuel Whitefield

We believe the Spirit is calling the bride to return to her first love, to be more captivated by Jesus than she is by the false images of beauty vying for her affection. In 2 Corinthians 3:16-18 Paul writes that it is as we gaze on the face of Jesus that we are transformed into his image.


We sense the Spirit inviting the church to immerse itself in Jesus and his presence again. To become captivated by Him again, stirred with a holy fire and longing for Him. The  Holy Spirit wants to fan the flames of holy desire for Jesus in the people of God again.

What we find beautiful we most behold.
What we behold will captivate us.
What is most captivating is what our hearts will love most.


A captivated heart comes from revelation, not information

David was a man after God’s heart because he was a man who knew and encountered the presence of God through revelation of God.

In the gospels, it was hearing, seeing and experiencing Jesus (as He brought the Kingdom of the Heavens to earth) that left people amazed and captivated. Paul’s radical new life with Jesus was initiated in a multi-sensory revelation of Jesus on the road to Damascus. All through John’s Revelation we see a similar pattern of God’s people and his heavenly host utterly captivated by the revelation of the throne, the lamb, the return of Jesus for his bride, and the new heavens and earth. It is a multi-sensory revelation of the throne, the lamb, and the beauty, majesty, immensity, and nearness of God that leads to a captivated heart.


Why We Struggle To Be Captivated By Jesus: Framing The Problem

“Our hearts crave beauty, but the fallen human heart does not naturally find Jesus beautiful. Jesus’ beauty flows from his divinity—Jesus is not beautiful because He is an impressive human. He is beautiful because He is God in human form… our sinful hearts are often captivated with other false images of beauty… Jesus is the most beautiful person, but his beauty is not beautiful by the standards of this age.” 

~ Discipleship Begins With Beholding, Samuel Whitefield


We behold what captivates us.
What captivates us is most beautiful to us.
What is most beautiful is what we love.

Love is driven by beauty.
What is most beautiful to you?

We become like that which has most captivated us.
(We become what we look at)


Our vision to join Jesus in the invasion of God's Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven begins with being a captivated people again.

It is a multi-sensory experience with Jesus and his Kingdom that will lead to wonder and a captivated people. We believe that the good news of Jesus is the availability of his presence and the Kingdom of the Heavens now. We believe that Jesus is here and that the Kingdom is here as well. 


2024 Year End CAPTIVATED Offering

Every year in December we all bring an offering above and beyond our normal tithe so that we can go beyond where we normally go. This year we are kicking off our year of consecration with a sacrificial offering in faith and joy.

Our year-end offerings are used to fund the vision that God has called us to with our building and ministries.


Soul Care

"What you believe about yourself and others will shape how you live… Only when our mind is renewed with the truth and transformed in His presence can we live the life we were born to live."

Dr. Rob Reimer

Jesus Can Change Your Life

Life is hard and we are all wounded. We are often limited by our past wounds, our current behaviours, and our faulty thinking. Bitterness, shame, fear, sin and pain that is filling our soul can keep us from fully experiencing the peace and joy that Christ has for us.

Come, take a few days to meet with Jesus, learn biblical principles and access His help in processing through the broken and sinful areas of life to bring healing, wholeness and freedom. Topics addressed reflect the 7 Principals to a Healthy Soul which Dr. Reimer writes about in his book Soul Care, they include: Identity, Forgiveness, Fear, Repentance, Family Sin Patterns, Healing Wounds and Deliverance.


Soul Care Will Ignite Renewal In You For The Sake Of The World Around You

This conference is not only designed to increase our intimacy and heal our soul, but also to equip leaders in making disciples. A key focus of this equipping event is giving tools to leaders to facilitate deep life-change in themselves and others through the presence of Jesus. During each session, a ministry time will be provided for participants to process their own journey and lead others through healing.


Conference Details

DATE: JUNE 15 - 17, 2023
Niagara Falls, ON, Canada


Mountain Park Church
6970 Mountain Rd, Niagara Falls, ON


Individual Rate: $140 CAD
Group Rate (10+): $100 CAD

[Lunch is not included, but we are whipping up some amazing snacks and drinks for you which will be available during designed break periods.]


Thursday, June 15

9:00: Session 1 - Intro to Soul Care
10:15: Break
10:30: Session 2 - Intimacy with God
12:00: Lunch in your Triads – Storytelling
1:30: Session 3 - Securing Identity: Overcoming Lies
2:45: Break & Triad
3:30: Session 4 – Repentance
5:00: Day Ends

Friday, June 16

9:00: Session 5 - Family Sin Patterns
10:15: Break & Triads
11:00: Session 6 – Forgiveness
12:00: Lunch
1:15: Session 7 - Overcoming Fears & Triads
3:00: Break
3:30: Session 8 - Healing Wounds
5:00: Day Ends

Saturday, June 17

S9:00: Session 9 - Deliverance Teaching
10:15: Break
10:30: Session 10 – Deliverance Continued / Q&A
12:00: Lunch
1:00: Session 11 - Group Test & Deliverance Practicum (4.0)
5:00: Day Ends

Dr. Rob Remier

Rev. Dr. Rob Reimer’s passion is to see the kingdom of God advance through spiritual renewal.  As Founder and President of Renewal International, Rob works with pastors, leaders and churches internationally to equip the people of God to live in freedom and to walk in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit.

Through his honest and engaging testimony, learn the lessons Jesus has taught Rob as he walked with God, responded to His Word, and processed pain in marriage and ministry, finding freedom and fullness in Christ.  During conferences, these lessons are not only taught, but participants actively begin the process of incorporating them into their lives, walking in the light with God and others, and practicing hearing from God and accessing His power for ministry.

As an internationally successful author and conference speaker, Rob mentors Christian leaders and is an Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Alliance Theological Seminary in New York.




Overflow is a large event for students (grades 8-12) from across denominations. The event exists to impact this generation with the message of Jesus through creative worship and biblical teaching. Students will experience a weekend packed with fun, significant connections with friends, and powerful encounters with God.This weekend is consistently a foundational experience in students' journey with Jesus.



From calendar events, to message topics at youth, to general communication, we want to keep you up to date on everything happening at Jesus Co. Youth.

Marriage Night

A One-Night Marriage Event Feb 6

Marriage is amazing, but it can be super tough as well. We all go through different seasons of marriage but one thing that is always constant is our need to be intentional about building a strong marriage. You're invited to join us for our next Marriage Night on Thursday, Feb 6 at 7PM.

Date: Feb 6 // Time: 7PM
Cost: $30 per couple (includes dinner & childcare)

Details and Registration

Revival Nights

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus."

Acts 4:13

It's Jesus We're After

Our heart longs to be a generation powerfully marked again by Jesus' presence. Our vision is to provoke a spiritual and cultural revival of God's presence, his authority and a life of obedience to the voice of the Holy Spirit. We're going after Jesus, and asking the Father to release His kingdom and will in our families, in our cities and nation. Revival Nights are our way to prioritize the presence of God and gather intentionally as the body to seek His face.


Praying To Win (Prayer Masterclass)

A one day Prayer Masterclass taught by Keith and Joan Martens (Kingdom Ministries International) to introduce foundational concepts for biblical prayer; provide practical tools for effective prayer that initiates transformation in the various circumstances of life, ministry and personal relationships. “Praying to Win!” is simply about “getting God’s way” and fulfilling His purpose in every life situation.


Weekend Schedule

Revival Nights are Friday-Sunday night at 7:00PM each night with the doors opening at 6:45PM


Friday, September 13

7:00PM (Doors Open at 6:45)
Speaking: Matt Tapley

After Party in the Lobby following the service

Saturday, September 14

Praying To Win Masterclass
8:30AM (registration)

Evening Session
7:00PM (Doors Open At 6:45PM)
Speaking: Alex Smethurst

After Party Following the service

Sunday, September 15

Sunday Morning 10:30AM
Speaker: Keith Martens

Prayer Ministry Training Workshop
(2PM - 4PM)

Evening Session
7:00PM (Doors Open at 6:45)
Speaking: Brenda Drost

Worship Night

Worship Night Is The 2nd Sunday Night Every Month

We want to see the Kingdom of Jesus come in our lives, our families and our cities. We are hungry for the presence of Jesus like never before and we believe that we are called to seek Him, not just wait around for Him to show up. So that's what we're doing, going after Jesus with humility and passion and inviting Him to ruin our lives for the ordinary as we pour out our worship to Him.