The Kingdom #2

The Kingdom #2

A message on the Kingdom of God.


The Kingdom #1

The Kingdom #1

A message on the Kingdom of God.


Healing In The Hold Out

Healing In The Hold Out

Wherever Jesus is there is life, peace, freedom and healing if we would like to accept them. The invitation is there, the question is whether which hold out we will choose. Are we are going to hold out in fear and let it pass by, or hold out our weakness so that he can heal and restore.


Carry The Anointing

Carry The Anionting

What does it mean to be anointed? What does it mean that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed one? How do we live under the anointing of the Holy Spirit on a continual basis in our lives?


It Starts With Presence

It Starts With Presence

It all starts with presence. It’s been 2 years since we restarted our church and pastor Andrew gives a state of the union address to talk about the great stories that God has been writing over the last two years.


Colossians #8

Colossians #8

In order to effectively deal with sin in our lives we need to understand the principles of spiritual authority and the interactions of our spirit, soul and body with the kingdom of heaven, the world and the kingdom of darkness. Because of Jesus, we have authority and victory in His name, but we need to understand how to spot the tactics of the flesh and enemy of God if we are going to apply the rule of Christ to every part of our lives.


Colossians #7

Colossians #7

According to the Apostle Paul in Colossians 2, if we think philosophy, clinging to tradition, the worship of angels or observing religious practices will produce fruit in our lives – we are dead wrong. How we act or what we know doesn’t impress God, He is interested in our heart and in our willingness to trust Him and walk in relationship with Him and obedience to Him.


Do You Trust Me?

Do You Trust Me?

Do you really trust God? Think about it for a minute before you answer. Do your actions and decisions point to a total trust in God, or do they point to your own need for control of the circumstances of your life?


The Power Of Communion

The Power Of Communion

What does it mean to take communion? What is the significance of communion? Is there a power connected to communion that we are missing today? Is communion meant for healing? Over the years, the teaching on communion, and the way that we have practiced it in most churches has strayed from the original intent of Jesus with it. We have turned it into a ritual that is void of the power and significance it is meant to have in our lives.




The birth of Jesus was foretold for thousands of years, but even with all of the information about him, nothing could compare with what a moment in his presence would actually be like. The wisemen had heard about him but it wasn’t until they met Him that they truly understood that Jesus can change your life.
