Can I Borrow Your Boat?

Can I Borrow Your Boat?

Did you know that you have everything you need for God to do miraculous things in your life? You might not think your ready, you too messed up or you haven’t got much for God to use, but the truth is that He’s just needs what you’ve got and a willingness to trust Him. He’s got the rest.


Nothing To Work With

Nothing To Work With

God wants to do something powerful in your life. Even when you think God has nothing to work with He isn’t limited. In fact, in Isaiah God told the prophet that he was the kind of God that could make rivers on the plateaus, increase the pools of water in the valleys and plant trees in the desert. God doesn’t have limitations on what he can do in your life but He does invite you to plant and sow in the seasons that feel dry and barren so that He can bring to life the things that have died or have not even come to exist yet. God wants to take your life and cause things to grow, but you have to be willing to plant if you want to see His harvest.


It's Your Move

It's Your Move

Sometimes we can get stuck with the idea that it is God who will make the first move, but the Bible paints a different picture. If we want breakthrough in our lives we are the ones who need to make the first move in faith, trusting God with our heart and our life.

