Counter-Formed Through Scripture

Counter-Formed Through Scripture

Spiritual practices are like working the muscles of our spiritual life to build them up like lifting weights builds the muscles. Spiritual disciplines place us in intentional connection and communion with God. The practice of reading Scripture is an intentional engagement with the written word of God with a posture to be shaped and formed by it as the Holy Spirit teaches us through it and brings its reality to bear on our lives.




The call of our lives is to be formed into the image of Christ. Spiritual formation is always happening to everyone. Whether or not we if we are being formed is not the question, the question is who we are being formed by.


The Greatness Of Jesus

The Greatness Of Jesus

We need a vision of Jesus worth following. A vision of Jesus worth living for. A vision of Jesus and his kingdom culture that forms our lives more powerfully than the formation of the world, our flesh or the Devil. We need a vision of Jesus and his kingdom that is not only worthy living for, but one worth dying to self for and giving our life to.


A Revelation Of Joy

A Revelation Of Joy

The revelation John sees is not just about the unseen reality of Jesus in the present, it is a revelation of the unseen reality of the future in light of everything John is going through. In the same way, we too need a revelation of what is on the other side of the struggles of this life. The writer of Hebrews said that it was “Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.” (Hebrews 12:2) Jesus had a revelation of what was ahead of Him, and so did John. It was the joy of what was coming that gave Jesus and John the ability to press through trials and tribulations of the present.


A Revelation Of Peace

A Revelation Of Peace

Peace is not a feeling, it’s a person. It is Jesus. How free, how generous, how faith-filled would we be if we had a greater revelation of the reality that the Prince Of Peace is here with us and he is in control, his plans are good, and he will never leave or forsake us.


A Revelation Of Faith

A Revelation Of Faith

Our faith is found in what is possible. Faith is not simply belief or seeing things differently, faith is what we are willing to do with our hope.


Four Tests of Great Faith

Four Tests Of Great Faith

A message about increasing our faith for the impossible.


He's Working in the Wilderness

He's Working in the Wilderness

When we are facing trials and testing it can be easy to blame the devil or the people around us, but sometimes it is God himself who is leading us into the wilderness. God always has a plan and a reason for his work in our life, even in the wilderness. So why does he do it? What is it for? How do we get through it?


The Goodness Of God

The Goodness Of God

Is God really good? Our circumstances or perspectives don’t define whether God is good or not. God is good, even when “it” isn’t. The struggle we often have is not in whether we can muster ourselves to believe that in our heads, it’s whether we feel it in our hearts.


What Is The Fear Of The Lord?

What Is The Fear Of The Lord?

Have you ever wondered what elements are needed for spiritual growth in your life? In Acts 9:31 we get the answer. Living in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. If you want to grow in faith, these are two non-negotiable ingredients, but do they really mean?
