Fruit Is The Evidence

Fruit Is The Evidence

All too often when we talk about the Holy Spirit we talk about the gifts He gives but rarely do we talk about the fruit of the Sprit. Sometimes it can be easy to overly desire the external “evidence” of the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and at the same time neglect our need to see growth in our character, but the bible says that it is the fruit of the Spirit that is the evidence of His work in our lives, not the gifts.


Why We Baptize

Why We Baptize

Have you every wondered what baptism really is and why we do it? Pastor Brenda walks through the significance of baptism and why it is an essential practice of our faith.


I Am Here

I Am Here

What does it mean when we say “God is here” Maybe it is less about the fact that God is everywhere, and more about the reality that He is here and wants to speak to you, to know you, to engage with you. If God is here, then how to we hear his voice, how do we know Him?


Prosperity Isn't A Dirty Word

Prosperity Isn't A Dirty Word

Unfortunately the word “prosperity” in church has taken on a distorted and twisted meaning that God never intended it to. What if God’s heart isn’t that you’re always just trusting Him for provision to make it through the week, or from pay check to pay check? What if God wants to fill you with the kind of generosity that blesses other people and blesses your life too. We don’t give to get, we give to give!



The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

Did you know that getting the kind of life you want is strongly tied to how you use your tongue? The Bible says in the book of Proverbs that the tongue has the power of life and death. What we say and how we talk to others has a dramatic impact on the kind of life we have. Are you intentional about living at peace with others, how about speaking peace over your life and others lives instead of anger, frustration or lies?



Invisible Authority: The Power Of Living Under Authority

Invisible Authority: The Power Of Living Under Authority

Invisible Authority Week 3: What does it mean to live in spiritual authority? Did you know that God’s kingdom is one of order and structure when it comes to authority? Did you know that you will experience greater effectiveness in your prayer life when you learn to live under and submit to authority? Brenda Drost walks through how God’s structure of authority works and how can live out of it with greater effectiveness.

