Captivated PT2: Captivated By The Heart Of Jesus

Captivated PT2: Captivated By The Heart Of Jesus

Scripture tells us the Jesus is the exact representation of the heart and character of God. Jesus is what God is like as a human, and Jesus is a man of deep visceral emotion. His heart is huge and it feels with a depth of feeling that we struggle to imagine. When we read the gospel accounts of Jesus life we might expect that his primary disposition toward the world is anger over sin or frustration with our failings, but that is not the dominant response of Jesus, compassion and mercy is.

Captivated PT 1: Captivated By The Humility Of Jesus

Captivated PT 1: Captivated By The Humility Of Jesus
As humans, we are creatures drawn to beauty. What we find beautiful we give attention to. What we give attention to we become captivated by. Those things that captivate us become the things we love and the things that direct our lives. In Part 1 of our Captivated series Andrew talks about the humility of Jesus and how it has captivated his own heart.

Prologue PT 11: God’s Vision For Community

Prologue-PT 11: God’s Vision For Community
In light of Genesis 2, what might God’s heart be for community? What does a Kingdom of God community look like?

Prologue: Spiritual Practices: Guided Prayer For Forgiveness

Spiritual Practices: Guided Prayer For Forgiveness (working through relational strain)
We want to go beyond information into revelation and experience. Information does not bring about transformation, but encountering God through scripture, spiritual practices and prayer do bring transformation. In this guided prayer we want to practice a way to work through difficult relationships, hurtful experiences and painful encounters with others.

Prologue PT 10: God’s Vision For Relationships—Kingdom Leadership, Headship and Authority

Prologue PT 10: God’s Vision For Relationships—Kingdom Leadership, Headship and Authority

In Genesis chapter 2, God creates woman from man, but what is really taking place in this story? Is Eve really made from just a little rib? In Genesis chapter 2, God is laying out his vision for relationships and the radical difference between his kingdom vision for relationships and vision of the world around us. God reframes what leadership, headship, And authority within our relationships should look like under his rule

Prologue PT 9: The Tree of Life

Prologue PT 9: The Tree of Life

When Adam and Eve were in the garden there were two trees planted in the centre, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life. The story focuses on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the restriction that God placed on it, but there is another tree present that Jesus wants to invite us to give greater attention to—the tree of life.

Prologue PT 8: Eden As A Cosmic Temple And The Test At The Tree

 Prologue PT : Eden As A Cosmic Temple And The Test At The Tree
In this episode we unpack more of what the Garden of Eden actually was and what the tree of the knowledge of God and evil was. What was the was the writer of Genesis trying to communicate to us that has application for us in our own lives today.